Last thursday I had a dream... I saw a blog for posting postcards with peace messages sent by people from all over the world.
It was funny that first I woke up in the middle of the night with the idea of the blog and then I went to sleep. So then the "second half" of the dream came, and I saw the whole concept of the blog.
The idea is that people will send us (me) a postcard from their country/city (or any postcard) writing in the backside a message of peace to the World. All the postcards will be uploaded in the blog, and there will be a record of how many postcards per country we (I) receive (including a map showing the coverage).
As that morning I woke up so exited about the idea, I already created the blog:
It was funny that first I woke up in the middle of the night with the idea of the blog and then I went to sleep. So then the "second half" of the dream came, and I saw the whole concept of the blog.
The idea is that people will send us (me) a postcard from their country/city (or any postcard) writing in the backside a message of peace to the World. All the postcards will be uploaded in the blog, and there will be a record of how many postcards per country we (I) receive (including a map showing the coverage).
As that morning I woke up so exited about the idea, I already created the blog:
So guys and girls, send me your postcards with your messages about world peace! (the messages can be in any language!) It would be nice to share a message of hope with the people out there.
The postcards must be sent to this address:
A Postcard for World Peace
Aedvilja 4 – 7
Tallinn 10120
Aedvilja 4 – 7
Tallinn 10120
El jueves pasado soñé algo… vi un blog con postales con mensajes pidiendo paz mundial, postales enviadas por personas de todo el mundo.
Lo chistoso es que primero vi esta parte del sueño y me desperté con la idea en la cabeza y me fui a dormir nuevamente. Entonces vino la segunda parte del sueño, en la cual vi todo el concepto del blog.
La idea es que la gente envíe postales de su ciudad o país (o cualquier otra postal) escribiendo mensajes paz para el mundo. Todas las postales serán escaneadas y publicadas en el blog, habrá un conteo de cuantas postales llegan por cada país y también habrá un mapa del mundo marcando todos los paices de los que hemos (he) recibido postales.
Como la mañana siguiente me desperte tan contento con la idea del blog, decidí crearlo de una! Y esta es la dirección:
Así que amigos y amigas, espero que me envíen sus postales con sus mensajes de paz! (pueden mandar la postal en Español si quieren).
Me gusta la idea de compartir mensajes de esperanza con aquellas personas allá afuera que necesitan paz en sus corazones (quien no necesita paz?)
Las postales las deben enviar a:
A Postcard for World Peace
Aedvilja 4 – 7
Tallinn 10120
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